Freelance proofreading by the day or by the project.
I’ve proofread for all the same people I’ve sub-edited for: InStyle, Stylist, ELLE, ELLE Collections, ELLE Wedding, Sunday Times Style, Marks & Spencer, M&S Food Fresh Market Magazine, Marie Claire Runway, LivingEtc, Selfridges, Wallpaper* and WGSN.
Plus: publishers including Scholastic and Unbound, and peer-reviewed journals such as Wound International and Diabetic Foot Journal.
And clients, including: Victoria Beckham,, Fortnum & Mason, Mornflakes, Northern Powergrid, Glasgow Breakthroughs, WWF, Save Our Mangroves Now!, Tock Insurance and Insure Our Future.
Sometimes if you’re the writer, the editor or project manager, you’re too close to the copy to see what’s really there. You know what you intended to say back when it was just a blank Word document, you’re pretty sure it still says that now it’s an InDesign layout… but are you reading what’s on the page or screen, or are you reading what you think you know? Proofreading is a different kettle of fish to reading, and spellcheck simply doesn’t cut it. You need someone who’ll zoom in, go line by line, backwards (and in high heels); someone painstaking, precise and persnickety. That’s me! I can spot a double full stop at 100 paces, clue you in to that stray Oxford comma on page 1,073, and note that somewhere in all the editing and saving and file versions, the picture layer is overlapping the headline layer and cutting off the serif by half a millimetre. (Hey, this stuff matters: just ask Kate Middleton.)
Fill in my contact form to get in touch and I’ll get to proofreading: I’m happy to proof print or web copy, in whatever format, but proofreading is very much the last pair of eyes: there’s not much point in my proofreading your Word document if it’s then going to be transferred to InDesign and edited in there. Call me when you’re desperate to hit print, but you have that nagging feeling… I’m speedy and accurate: I’ll get you to that green light on deadline.